Tuesday 13 June 2023

Tuesday Poem; "UNTITLED' by George Mulligan

The rough sleeper sits by his sign on the street,
and the people passing by turn their eyes away.
He is invisible, alone on a crowded cityscape.
He is the one we choose not to see,
He is our reminder of inequality, our reminder that 
life is not fair.
He is untitled.

But he is not untitled.
He has many titles.
He is called a son,
He is called a brother,
He is called a father,
He is called a friend,
He is called known,
He is called love,
He is called valued,
He is called human.

Just being human entitles you to respect.
He is entitled to respect.
He is entitled to be valued 
He is entitled to be heard,
He is entitled to be cared for.

He is entitled to a title.

by George Mulligan

George Mulligan is an Otautahi Poet and keen reader at Mad Poets and Creatives Collective. 

George Mulligan, Otautahi poet

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